If you made it this far then you likely read my Low Back Pain article.  Okay, so what can you do to help it?  Supplements are now bigger than ever and all supplements are marketed well now!  I mean, every single supplement helps right, but which is the best bang for your buck?  Which one should you get? Plain an simple, here are some of the supplements I recommend for back pain;

1.Fish Oils – Fish oils are always good to take but if you commit to at least 3-5 pills a day you can really help fight the inflammation and help with the pain.

2.Glucosamine Chondroitin / Chondroitin Sulfate – These supplement’s really help with arthritis, lower back pain, disc herniation’s, and disc bulges, muscles and tendons. Many joints and tissues are actually made up of this material so it would only make sense that if you damage the tissue, you would want to replace it. It  also helps by binding more water to the disc and joint so that there is more cushion between the joint.  The only problem is that most don’t know that they need a larger water intake so they continue to drink coffee, beer, etc without adding more water.  This renders the supplement practically invaluable.  Answer, drink at least 1 cup more water per day.

3.Calcium – Helps with bone formation and healing.  Calcium can help with laying down new bone and creating a stronger structure.

4. Vitamin D – great for immune health and vitamin D works to help absorption of vitamin D so you should take Calcium and Vitamin D together!

5. Free form Amino acids – many body builders and workout enthusiasts often use this supplement to help protein synthesis, and boost healing.  This is essential to bone and tissue repair.

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