What to Do When Your Injury Is Not Healing?

Oh Do I get this question a lot. First, if you are injured or in pain you are already too late.  Pain and discomfort is a symptom of a problem that has been there and is often the very last sign.  Its like your body has been in dysfunction for a while but now your body is crying for help (aka Pain).

If your injury is not healing there are a few steps your need to do.

  1.  Seek a professional to help you with the treatment.  There is a lot of research that shows the faster you seek care the better the outcomes.  You do not want this injury to go chronic as it will lead to a longer treatment time, possible further complications and compensation of the body.
  2. If it is not healing fast enough you need to do something different.  For example if you are stretching a lot, you also need to strengthen and vice versa.  Have you given your injury the amount of a time and have you actually dedicated the time to exercise/rehab it?
  3. Is what you are doing helping it?  If you are not doing the correct exercise and/or getting the results you want chances are it is not helping.  Switch it up!
  4. Nutrition is the foundation for all our cells.  Promoting better health by actually eating foods and an anti-inflammatory diet can and will help your body heal faster.


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