Prayer Squat Pose
If you think about pre-historic man, we used to squat and kneel often. We would often be in these types of postures but modern computers, sitting, driving has altered our life, posture, and influenced un-natural movements that create muscle/joint imbalances which contributes to things like lower back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain.
If you are someone who sits a lot, needs to improve your mobility or posture then this is a fantastic exercise. The prayer squat pose requires your to squat down and place your elbows on the inside of the knees. While performing this exercise you will have to try and squat your butt to the floor or as close as it goes.
By doing this you will force a lot of weight into the ankles, knees, and hips. As a result, this requires ankle mobility (in extension), some mild knee flexibility, and even more hip movement.
Since the body is innately smart and if you do not have the range of motion you need, your body will compensate. One of the ways your body will compensate in this position is that you will round the back. This also indicates that you may have poor back extension and too tight of shoulders. Well, with time and practice on this exercise you can increase your mobility in all these areas.
Start by doing this exercise and holding the position for at least 10-15 seconds if you can. From there, slowly ramp up your time and you will notice improvements.