Payer Squat Tip (Part 2)

Earlier in the week we discussed adding ankle, hip, knee, and thoracic spine mobility via the prayer squat.  In Part 1, we did this exercise without shoes which requires a lot more mobility in the ankles and feet.  Sometimes this is difficult to accomplish because we do not yet have the mobility/strength or its too complex of a movement to start that way.

Easy way to fix this… Add shoes!  I know its not the best overall but by adding shoes it then supports the foot and ankle better which then allows you to focus your movements to the knee but mostly the hip and thoracic spine.  I encourage your to begin with this one if you have mobility issues, are too tight, have pain or if you find shoeless is not your preference.

Using shoes is a great building step for this pose to help deepen the strength and stamina of your mobility before you go shoeless.

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