Last week Foot Locker (Yes the shoe/apparel company) flew me out to one of their HUGE locations to talk to them about. . .

Injuries of course!

As a matter of fact, this is the 2nd Fortune 500 Company that has hired me this year to help them with injuries in the work place!

You know what I learned?

Injuries happen both inside the workplace & outside the workplace that not only affect your moral, but quality of life!

For example, I treated someone there who has been “dealing with the pain” on and off for 6 years. She saw a PT, Chiro, and thought she had to “Live with it” as she literally said, “I’m just getting older.”

Mind you, she was under 40!

After 1 treatment she felt better in that one session than doing 3 months of PT!

Needless to say, she was amazed and it looks like they are flying me back again shortly.

I want to share this experience & let this be a reminder to you, that any injury, NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SMALL, can significantly affect your way of life.

It was affecting how she picked up her kids, sitting long term, and she was now reluctant to get treatment again.

My advice . . .

Please make sure you do something about it because when injuries become chronic and long standing, they are much harder to treat & will limit you from the things you love!

Keep. Moving.

Dr. Josh

PS Remember, we offer a FREE consult & discovery visit if you are looking to get some help for your injury! Yes it is free, and you can apply here!